INCOR - Hearts taking care of hearts

Keeping an institution like Incor alive and beating in the right pace requires society and who believes in it, to take action.

That’s why Norte and Africa took part in this project, that provoked artists that explore different styles and techniques to also take action giving way their art for this healthcare landmark that is InCor. 

Artists who participated in the project were:

- Ana Behrmann

- Bernando Abreu

Brunna Mancuso

Leo Teixeira

Marmota Vs. Milky

Rogério Puhl 

Thiago Neumann

- Viti Grosman

Commissioned by

Africa / SP

Art by Leo Teixeira Art by Ana Behrmann Art by Thiago Neumann Art by Marmotas Vs. Milky Art by Bernando Abreu Art by Rogério Puhl Art by Ana Behrmann Art by Brunna Mancuso