Contínua - Exhibition

Exhibition gathering 15 female artists from around the world, curated by Norte and presented by Clube de Criação during Clube de Criação Festival 2016.

Clube de Criação Festival is Brazil's most important advertising awards festival. It was hosted at Cinemateca, an important cultural space in São Paulo, and the goal was to promote these women to the people that buys their work, along with breaking up some stereotypes of a so called female style.


Also, during the course of the three days exhibition, the visitors had the opportunity to take home reproductions of their favorite illustrations.


Illustrations by:

- Bárbara Malagoli

- Basia Grzybowska

Bruna Assis Brasil

- Camila do Rosário

- Carla Barth

Carmen Huerta

- Cyla Costa

Fabiana Miyuki Arashiro

Fernanda Cohen

- Goodwives and Warriors

Lygia Pires

Linn Olofsdotter

- Mika Takahashi

- Nina Moraes

- Paula Plim

Commissioned by


Fabiana Miyuki Arashiro Carla Barth Carmen Huerta Bruna Assis Brasil Fernanda Cohen Bárbara Malagoli Mika Takahashi Nina Moraes Linn Olofsdotter Paula Plim Basia Grzybowska Camila do Rosário Cyla Costa Goodwives and Warriors